Hunting can be hard - uncompromising terrain and weather conditions, evasive prey. And the physical challenge is tough, and often fruitless. Every little enhancement, no matter how small its incremental benefit, helps give us an edge. Enhancements like choosing the right rifle support system for example.
Bipods have been around a long time, enabling us to shoot from a prone or rested position. But choosing the right one can make all the difference.
If you’ve ever hiked several hours, you’ll know how uncomfortable having a rifle with a bipod attached slung over your shoulder can be; every step and stumble results in a painful reminder of its presence as it digs into your back.
Carried on the rifle, folded bipods are also a magnet for grass, heather and all sorts of debris when crawling or making your way through thick undergrowth. Having to clear a twiggy mass to deploy your bipod for a shot results in unnecessary additional movement that could spook that flighty hind.
The Javelin range of bipods, as well as many other rifle support products from Spartan Precision Equipment, use a unique, patented magnetic attachment system that enables the bipod to be carried separately in a holster, pocket or backpack and attached in seconds only when you need it to make the shot.
Not only does the system make rifles more comfortable to carry and avoid digging up the undergrowth, it means that when you’re not shooting prone there’s no bipod to spoil the balance of your rifle or get in the way of any other kind of rest, such as shooting sticks.

The same magnetic attachment system is used on other Spartan products, such as the Davros and Sentinel tripod system, allowing you to quickly use a platform that is best-suited to the situation rather than struggling to make a bipod work.
Hunting is hard enough. It makes sense to do whatever you can to gain an advantage.